Here is goes... This giveaway is to design your own tweet, if you could design a tweet what colours would you choose? Would you be punky, emo or just a good old original tweet? Would you put hearts or stars or spots on your tweet? Or would you challenge me to make something else entirely?

Here's your chance...
New rules a leave a blog comment here and a way for me to contact you... either thru etsy, or blogs or email me at feltmeupdesigns@yahoo.co.uk.
In your blog comment say what your perfect tweet would be... it can be one in my shop already if you aren't feeling imaginative. The winner will win their design and a copy of it will go into my shop... who knows if any other great ideas get tossed my way I may make them too
Closing date is 14th April... just after I have finished all my easter eggs!
(please note all comments are moderated to prevent nasty spammers!)

I love penguins so maybe a little felty emperor? I do love those tweets so I'm looking forward to seeing what ideas people come up with!
I found your shop a few weeks ago. I love it! I had already Hearted it. YOu do such nice work.
Congrats on your up coming 200th sale!!
a tweet crossed with a dragon would be cool :D lol (no idea how that would work :p)
I like green so different shades of green and spots. lots of spots :D
I don't know if you have all ready done one but what about a Chicken or Cockeral or even a Turkey as they make me laugh as they are the funniest looking things ever!
Wow 200 sales that great!
Vanessa x
Cool! I think the perfect tweet would be bright lime green with dark purple flowers on it.
Congrats on approaching 200 sales! That means a lot of adorable tweets have happy new homes!
My perfect tweet would be a turquoise and lime green punky tweet with dots.
Wow so cute!
I think it'd be awesome to have a rainbow tweet! Maybe add a little edge to it by shifting the shades a little darker...
Or a zebra tweet - I know I'm crossing species, but I think it'd be cute. All your tweets are cute anyways!
I love the normal tweet design soooo cute but I would love one made in a gingham effect as I love gingham or any check....I have never been on your blog but I adore your tweets with the hearts just lucious...thanks for letting me enter and heres to your next 200 sales :)
I love your little tweets!
If I could design my very own, I would get a little pandacub (LOL), but if I had to design a darling tweet, it would be bright turqoise with white stars on it. :)
Congrats on all your sales!
I couldn't think..then it came to me. I would like a yellow tweet (he can have spots on his belly) and he will have a little head of hair in brown or black. We had a canary like this and his hair looked like a beatles cut so ofcourse he was called Ringo. So I would like a Ringo please!!
Ooh a purple tweet with a big pink heart!
I am purplecatscorner on etsy.
congrats on your multitude of sales!
now to challenge you --a morris-dancing tweet in hubby's team colours of green & yellow!
I love your tweets!
How about a fat little goldfish?
I'm at ShaShaAnn.etsy.com
Oooh, my perfect tweet would be a mollbird tweet! (not in a mental egotistic kind of way, more of a mascot type thing). It would have to be red and white, be wearing funky glasses and have a stance that says "I'm ready, I was born ready", and polka dots!
I am mollbird on etsy.
I would lurve a leopard print tweet! I would call him Leo and he would live with the rest if my leopard print obsession x
hi!I just love your shop!
And here is my idea for your competition
it could have eyelashes , red neb and maybe hold a little bag :)
congrats on all those sales - your tweets are fab!
Id love a little grey owl. Having said that I also love your little flying pigs too!
These are just so cute. I think my perfect tweet would be an artsy looking one. Maybe holding a little paintbrush with different colored "paints" smeared across it's face.
arowette (a) hotmail dot com.
i would design a punk one black with pink hair and something plaid
These are all just too cute but I love the baby barn owl best!
oh my perfect tweet would be mythical for sure. Maybe a gryphon,
your shop is great!
Oh I just found your shop and love your tweets. I have two birdy friends - one who loves owls and the other who's avatar is an egg with a beak and feet poking through.
Darling stuff!
I would love an emo tweet ;)
Though he'd have to be purple and black for me!
Congratulations on 200 sales xx
Well you know what I am going to say - a giraffe tweet! I think the colours would look really good. :)
ooh, well I like black tweets (because I like crows) so a black birdie who's got something to hint at a geeky science background. How would you portray an particle physicist tweet? ;)
I would like a traditional style tweek, but maybe an adaptation of a goldfinch, with a yellow flash on the wing and a red head... they're my favourite birds, I only started seeing them when I moved out of Yorkshire :(
Well done on 200 sale hun! xx
I'd like a ballet dancing tweet, with a little pink tutu :D
Those are SOOOOOOOOO adorable. I happen to be slightly obsessed with the color orange and a little on the retro side. Maybe an orange tweet with some horn rimmed glasses??
I'm doing a feature of your Etsy store on my blog this week, so be sure to check it out!
Ok, so back to the tweet! My little tweet would would be two little love birds, with a fleur de lis on them. The fleur de lis represents my wedding. It was a symbol we used on all our stationary (invitations, menu cards, programs, etc) and every time I see it I think of our special day. I also have a fleur de lis tattoo on my wrist!
Your felt creations are fab!!! Amazing!
well obviously I want a DUCK but then he'd be a quack not a tweet. Purple would be my tweet of choice, maybe with a rainbow embellishment?
or could you make a meerkat tweet?
(anticipated answer: "Yes, by pulling his tail")
a perfect tweet would be a white owl with a tiny red heart on the left side of the chest.
a simple ribbon/flower would do for a girly tweeet. and a bowtie at the collar for a male tweet. that should do the trick :D
i think your creations are adorable. looking at the other comments seems like many like turquoise, im no exception. :D icecream_soda12491@hotmail.com
well..I'd quite fancy a duck, perhaps with some eggs and a nest. Or a wren, they are just lovelry. or ohoho a crow or rook could be quite intriguing? Jon sayd his faveorite bird is a finch
Im getting far too excited & carried away. i hope this helps?
I love you tweets and felt works SO much
Im doing a feature on my blog soon,of goodies i have found... ;o)
My last comment didn't send :( think my macs playing silly games.
I love your robins. I think also a finch or a crow/rook would be fab? theres a type of finch that has a cool type of comb head? :p
Awesome giveaway!
My tweet would be a simple little brown sparrow with a yellow beak and white spots.
Thanks and congrats!
Hi, I found you on DIY Monday. You have an awesome blog. I love your little tweets. I love your little bee tweet. We (my family) became beekeepers this week so of course he jumped right out at me.
Thanks for the chance to win on of your tweets and congrats on your many sales.
Well I know its totally un-original but I love Blue Tits. I love the way they sing, it makes me laugh. So I would like blue tit colours. I think the black bit round their eyes makes them look like mini superheros of the bird world. And the blue bit on the top of their head can make them look quite punky.
Your tweets are precious! I love purple, green and hearts but all of your designs are spectacular! Just too tweet!!
Congratulations on your soon to be 200th sale! That is something to be quite proud of.
It's so hard to decide on my perfect tweet, they are all so cute!
My perfect tweet would have a dark blue body with a lighter blue for it's beak. The forehead would have a silvery crescent moon on it(to represent the goddess Artemis!) and there would be a cluster of silver stars on it's body that would have comet "tails" coming off of them.
This is an awesome giveaway, good luck to everyone and thanks!
manifesteddreams at yahoo dot com
I would love to have a Sweet Tweet made by you. I love purple and teal for colors. Polka dots and stripes. It should have a piercing, somewhere, and leggings would be cool.
i'd like a kingfisher tweet. that would be adorable.....
I suggest an octopi tweet! With a little purple with lilac spots on the octopus legs, but you could see the little tweet tiny legs anyway, like a costume!
does it have to tweet? I'd go for some sort of exotic fish! :)
I would love a little pink tweet with green polka dots!
What a fabulous idea. I love your work and your shop name by the way. hmmm. I feel like I should have a totally brilliant idea here. Just a sec...OK, perhaps this will label me as weird but I love dragons. I had such fun reading "Eragon" along with my then-8-year-old nephew and imagining what his dragon looked like (long before the movie). So, I would love to see a dragon in bright (maybe even hot) pink and perhaps a bright lime green, maybe even purple--a mix of super bright colors with patches of shimmer.
My perfect Tweet would actually be two: my oldest son have a name that means 'Eagle' and my youngest one that means 'Falcon'.
So two cool but cute birds of prey would be my choice anyday! :)
I am thinking and thinking, and I just can't come up with a better tweet than the Apricot and Lemon spotted tweet on your Etsy site already. Amazing work! :)
amy [d0t] lockaby [at] gmail [d0t] com
These are so cute! I love the grey and blue chick tweet. My fav lil bird is a chic-a-dee..that would be nice
I really dig the Reggae Reggae tweet in your shop. I'd really love to see a rainbow tweet in a bunch of colors with the strips like that. I can be reached at lenoxknits@yahoo.com.
Awwwe the Snowny Hoot is adorable!
How about a Breast Cancer Awareness Tweet???
Congrats on your success!
An angel tweet! :) I sketched it here-
Ooooh! These are the cutest ever! I'd have a very hard time deciding between a punky one with a mohawk crest and stars or one of the blue speckled ones. They're all so awesome. Though, I must say, I wonder what an African Grey Tweet would look like, all grey feathers with a bright red tail!
This is an amazing giveaway. Congrats on your 200th! It is well-deserved!
(e-mail in blogger profile! :) )
Ohhh i just found this 2day on the lat day. I'd love to win one of these they r sooooo cute. I found u over on uk handmade.
What about a crafty one? Like one knitting?? or one with lots of jewellery on (cos i love my jewellery) or one with a big daisy on it 4 spring? Wish i could make them myself, they soo cute :).
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