In ancient Sparta 300 scantily clad and over muscled warriors defended thier country against millions of heavily armoured Persians hell bent on taking over thier lands and enslaving thier people... this has nothing to do with the blog post although it did make a rather good film... I say good, I was too distracted by the high volume of man candy on display to pay proper attention.
Anyway I digress.
My point is Feltmeup is edging ever closer to 300 etsy sales... a major land mark! This means there are at least 300 felt creations marching thier way across the globe in a bid for felt dominion.
To mark the occasion I shall be giving a surprise goodie bag to who so ever becomes my 300th sale and as an extra bonus I shall also be giving away a prize of goodie bag plus a creature of choice from either The Felt Menagerie or The Feltanomicon to one lucky winner.

Competiton will close on the 7th of October... at which point I shall have a large drink and toast you all. The winner will be picked from my new hat by a lovely assistant... whoever I can rope into doing it!
(The prize is for a single item... no bird pairs I'm afraid, sorry. But If you do want a bird pair as your reward I will offer half price on them)