I am feeling generous this week, I am looking forward to my week off and moving my boyfriend into my flat and I reckon I need to declutter a bit! So I am having my first inky give away. You may have noticed I have another wee shop on etsy called
inkmeup which is edging ever closer to 100 sales.

I am offering one lucky winner a great big inky prize of
a music wrens print ,
a blank notebook of their choice plus a great big inky pile of post cards and mini prints... in a big prize haul worth over $50

How to enter
This time there are 4... yes 4 ways to enter!
To enter simply leave a comment on my blog telling me what your favorite item in my shop is or buy an item from from either shop or leave a Twitter comment mentioning this blog post with link @feltmeupdesigns
Finally become a fan of inkmeup at our face book page
here ... If you do all 4 you get 4 entries... simples!!!

The best thing about having a week off from my day job is I will be getting my fingers well and truely inky and working on new designs. Yay! I will draw the competition by the scientific and totally random way of sticking the entries in a hat and making John pick one out, with his eyes closed, probaly looking dopey... there may even be pictures ... competition closes February 24th.