So it's been a while since I blogged recovering from my birthday and the blog competition. One of the high points of my birthday was my present to my self from Y0omii these wonderful marching polar bears. I ordered 1 and I got a special surprise of another 1 with a birthday hat!
For your information "y0omii is spelt "y [zero] o m i i"

This is what Y0omii has to say about her creations. "I like to think that my characters are a combination of the 'cute' and the 'odd' all jumbled together, and thus sometimes refer to my little characters as 'cute oddballs'." I love this wee kitty too... she is called Aika!

I kinda want everything in her etsy store, they are so great and cute and especially well made. Y0omii also does these fabulous little stationary printables if you are a little cash poor you might want to treat yourself to a set!

Find Y0omii on Twitter at
http://twitter.com/y0omii and
you've been tagged! http://artandcake.blogspot.com/ see here for more details!
I hardly dare follow the loast comment - cos that was what came across to say too. feel free to decline - I confess I usually do! http://niftyknits-somuchyarnsolittletime.blogspot.com/2009/08/eeeek-ive-been-given-award.html
hi, they are SO cute! think the polar bears are my favs too. happy birthday!
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