So it's bank holiday, I'm a bit cranky and tired cos John snored all night and I needed something to cheer me up! Etsy has been down for up date all morning what's a girl to do?

We recently go some fab stationary and books by
Lotta Jansdotter at the bookshop where I languish in book hell as a book minion. They are gorgeous and I am so treating my self to both
her books when I make more money. I'd love some of her post it notes but it seems a little indulgent for a gal struggling to pay the rent! (p.s you can get these at Waterstones where I am a book minion!)

I decided fun could be had by making my own stamp/lino print... after all I am a fully qualified textile designer and I do have printing experience under my belt!

In traditional textile designer mode the first thing I did was make a mess! Kidding... I made a coffee then I made a mess! I got my lino and lino cutters from ebay (then stuck in a box with a one day I'll get to that gesture) and drew out my image... I then rubbed out my image and redrew it cos everything you print get reversed and I'd forgotten this!

I really enjoyed cutting out my lino... lino cutters are fun but lethal tho no major injuries were incured! I went for a tweet design, I have this thing that I'd love to customise my own stationary for feltmeupdesigns.

Here's the finished stamp, I realised after about 10mins of cutting out the lino around him I could just cut around him with a stanley knife so I did!

I then played around with my stamp stamping and then cutting away more lino where it wasn't right. I had such a fun morning... it was relatively inexpensive and I have a lino stamp I can use forever... or until I break it! It's not perfect but I am very happy with my first attempt and can't wait to try it again. (after I have made a million more birdies!)