Today I attended a nuno felting work shop run by
Jenny Pepper at Hutton Buschel village hall, near Scarborough.

Despite feeling really rubbish (no sleep, bit of a cold) I had a good day, the hall and village were lovely. We experimented with nuno and made our own nuno scarf. As you'll see in my previous posts I have done nuno before but it was kinda new to me since we were using a method which involved beating the crap out of defenseless bits of fabric!

I decided to forgo my tradional blacks and greys and go for some thing bright and bubbly. I fell in love with this hot pink. It's hard to tell from the photo's but it was almost neon... totally lush! I was thinking about jelly fish when i picked the colours and I'm really happy with the final result!
The best part was throwing the scarf really hard at the table! I have a lot of anger issues and it really helped me work thru them! I also learned how to make these lovely long tassels/tentacles/fringing for the edge of the scarf.... It was good fun whipping them about to get them to felt properly! Will take some pictures with my lovely dummy so you can see the full effects a some point... but for now... here is the finished product. Swanky Huh? Don't think i will be able to let this one go either!!!

Also just behind the hall was this lovely little shed... gorgeous isn't it... i plan on moving in there soon! Heck it can't be colder then my flat!