Oh My GOD!!! Norman brought some friends home last night and now they are everywhere!!! I can't get rid of the little blighters!
I didn't mind when he introduced me to Norbert his friend from university but then Norbert brought his kids, Norris and Norma along and they brought their little red friend from school, Chuck and the next thing I knew they were eating all my food and stealing my glasses!!!!

They are very cute but really... enough is enough!!! I managed to catch Chuck earlier and get my glasses mack but he won't tell me where he hid my phone and the others are no where to be found. I just have to hope that somebody will adopt the little buggers soon! Trouble is they have told their mates and there's a whole intergalactic coach load heading my way! Help!

(If you would like to help save my sanity you can adopt a little bugg... erm... fella
here. Please... before they find my chocolate stash! No wait... it's too late!)