Friday, 22 April 2011

New Beginnings...

I made a big big decision a couple of weeks ago, I decided I was finally ready to quit my day job... you might have seen my facebook and twitter announcements in the past couple of days.
I guess the driving force behind this was moving home, we moved into our lovely new nest with a nice big room for me to work in and since then I haven't managed to make anything. I was starting to feel a little sad... here was a nice shiny studio and I wasn't using it, except as a dumping ground... my day job was really starting to get in the way!
I had tried to quit last year in September but I realised that I wasn't emotionally ready... I've never left a job where I wanted to go but still liked the place I worked and the people I worked with... the only problem with my job in a book store was how much head space it took up, I'm not one of those people who can just turn up for work and then switch off the second I leave the door... and it's hard to be creative with a head full of all the things I needed to do at work the next day!
So I have 2 weeks left to work out my notice which is very scary... soon I shall be a full time self employed craft worker and will have to get my head down and felt like the wind ... I have so many ideas, I hope I have time for them! My next big thing is I really want to reopen Feltanomicon because it is so much fun to make little monsters... and hopefully I'll be getting up and running on Dawanda too... squeeeeeeeeeee.... I can't wait for my big scary adventure!


Jaclyn said...

A monstrous congrats to you! I can't imagine how scary it must be, but how amazing it must feel to know that you're successful enough to legitimately pull off a move like this. Best of luck :)

Kreativlink said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll enjoy beeing a full-time crafter! Be prepared to work long hours, though :)

sassypackrat said...

Best of luck! I didn't know you made monster too, I'd love to see them!

Trekky said...

Good luck for the future!

Alycia said...

wow that's awesome! congrats and good luck <3

Emma (Sugar Cane) said...

Gosh! we are in the same boat. I only have 4 weeks left at work before I go full-time crafting. I too feel ready now to take the big leap into doing what I love full-time. Lots of luck to you its all very exciting :D:D

Carmen said...

Oh yes! You'll have a customer in me for your little monsters!

How scary but fabulous all at the same time! My OH gave up his day job to start his own business - he says it's hard but he loves it and could never go back to working for someone else now.

Huge good luck vibes coming at you - just remember to clock off sometimes! (He doesn't!)

Jean said...

I love these. Really sweet. Love the colors.

Jean said...

I love your colors. My best to you.

Saskia said...

Good luck with your new adventure!!!!

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Good luck in your new adventure!! I'm sure you'll be very successful!! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck :-) Im sure this will be a really exciting and fun adventure!!

Scrummy Scrapz aka Lizzie said...

Go for it! Wishing you the best of luck and believe me you'll become even more creative cos time will be on your side and hope to see more little chirpies! Happy Easter x

Pili said...

Big kudos to you and best of luck!

I'm sure you'll be one of those successful stories on Etsy about leaving your day job!

And I can't wait to see new felties!

Heather Leavers said...

Congratulations and good luck - my own biggest problem as a full-time crafter is evading the urge to play plants vs zombies...

Katie C said...

Your stuff is gorgeous! Good luck with everything, I'm sure you'll do well!