Monday 13 September 2010

When the Red Red Robin...

Goes bob bob bobbin' along...I've been thinking alot about Christmas lately, as a craftsperson it's my busiest time so I want to get new designs in... where to find the time tho? I'm still working as a bookslave and struggling to balance my hectic schedule, I've already given up a social life and sleeping so there not much else I can do!
Traditionally I tweak my robin design for Christmas but I love last years design so much that I just decided to do a darker version of him using this gorgeous chestnut colour, I think they look supercute as a pair!


Pili said...

Awww, those are so cute!

I just don't know how you can juggle two jobs or give up sleep, I'm such a sleepy head!

M.M.E. said...

I love the new guy! I agree that they make a great pair. I wish you the best of luck but please don't make yourself too-sleep deprived or sick!