A Great big thankyou to everyone who entered the blog comp this time, there were over 100 entries between the blog, flickr and my shop. Once more the entries were place in a fetching cap, inspected by a whole bunch of teeny tweets for fairness and then stolen for nesting material!

I am proud to announce that the winners are... drum roll please................
Lucyjacksondesigns, NiftyKints and Theittybittybagcompany! Well done guys and thanks for the support, you'll get your teeny tweet each in a couple of weeks once you chose your colours.

As always the competition was great fun and I hope to run another one soon, but not too soon... maybe the next one will be for halloween... or just when i get bored again... any suggestions for future giveaways please post here in the comments section, who knows I may take you up on it!