As Many of you know I have recently been attempting to escape my damp, woodlouse and slug infested dungeon of a flat for a while now... well I did it!!! woot... am moving things in very slowly using only a sky blue skoda and the charity of friends!
Not many pictures yet as it's still a little empty but its fabulous this is the kitchen.. I now has a freezer so will no longer live on beans! And a washing machine means I don't have to take huge bags to my mum's...

and huge and if I hold a mirror out of the window i can see the sea but only if i angle it right!
The living room is massive and currently swallowing my furniture! You can't get an idea of scale in the pictures but look at all the space!

There is even a pyramid in the front room... I've read the da vinci code and am assuming therefore that the flat was built by the freemasons and the pyramid channels positive energy into my room!

Am working very hard on filling it with lovely things.... part 2 coming soon where i will show you my stuff in my flat! Needless to say all that's there at the moment is a lot of felt! And just wait till you see my 1970's bath room and lovely (not) real stone fireplace... ooo it's exciting!