Saturday, 30 May 2015

50 Ways to Use a Tea Towel Part 3

Kickstarter update! 139% backed... wow! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Number 10:

Be super!
 Get Tea Towel
 Wear Tea Towel

Be Super!*
 * disclaimer: This tea towel will not give you super powers, nor will it give you the ability to fly/leap buildings in a single bound or stop a speeding bullet. It will dry your dishes but we recommend you wash it before using it as a cape!

I'm adding a stretch goal this afternoon all backers will receive and instant super hero kit PDF to print and use at home. Backers pledging £10 or more will have a printed version included in their reward. The kit has instructions on how to make a mask and wear a cape (tea towel). It's fun it's silly, it made me laugh!

1 comment:

Heather Leavers said...

I read the disclaimer but still reckon there are superpowers to be had just by owning a teatowel. betcha