I have had a totally awesome huge Christmas and a great year, I just hit 700 sales in my shop and very nearly 700 facebook followers! How best to celebrate this? In traditional stylee with a giveaway of course!

I'm feeling generous, I must have come over all festive like! I have decided to pick 3 lucky winners this time.

1st Prize... a hoot of your choice and a nice bag of goodies!
2nd Prize... a tweet or pet or real bird of your choice and some goodies!
3rd Prize... a teeny tweet and, of course, some goodies!

To enter simply first leave a comment on my blog telling me what your favourite item in my
shop is. For extra entries then if you can leave a
Twitter comment mentioning this blog post with link
@feltmeupdesigns or become a fan at
facebook ... If you do all 3 you get 3 entries... simples! Just make sure you come back here and tell me in a separate comment that you have twittered and facebooked, if you are already a facebook fan just let me know to get your extra entry!

The winners will be picked at random on the 7th of Jan to give all you party people a good chance to get your entries in!
There are also a few tweets left in the
silly sale if anyone would like to grab a bargain tweet but they are going fast so hurry!
hard decision to make, but I've my fav has to be the blue tit punky bird I just love his attitude, off to tweet also now liking you :-)
Hi! I think this one is definitely my favorite: http://www.etsy.com/listing/55237758/tweet-hoot-little-tawny-owl-in-chestnut Although they are all simply ADORABLE!!
I am also your FB friend. :)
Thank you <33 and congrats again on your 700th sale! That's SO awesome!
I love the cockatiels, they look so real. Almost as real as my Mog, god rest his soul. Blinking cats stink don't they?
Oooh, am I the first to comment?
My absolute favourite thing is the lovely adorable cute little Tawny Own in chestnut.
Congratulations, that is such great news!
And thanks for throwing such an amazing giveaway to celebrate:)
My favorite is this cute owl:
I'll keep my fingers crossed, hard! Luck winners:)
And became a fan on facebook:)
Tooooo hard to choose but I love this little chap
Tooooo hard to choose but I love this little chap
My favorite is the little white & brown barn owl. I got a thing for owl's and these are just super cute.
Have left a twitter comment
...and I'm already a Facebook fan :)
Greetings from western Oregon. My favorite from your shop is the Apricot and Yellow Hatchling Tweet Bird with Shiney Egg. We hatch our own chicks for our flock of 20 layer hens and my favorite thing is to incubate eggs, then put the hatchlings under an unsuspecting Mama bird and watch her surprise the next morning when she realizes she has a brood to raise.
I became a fan on Facebook. Being a farmer with a flock of long wool sheep (English breeds, no less), I am definitely a fan of any art made with wool.
Well I've had a look and it's a tough decision but I'd have to go for this guy - http://www.etsy.com/listing/48679299/tweet-red-and-black-punky-emo-tweet-with
I may be 28 years old now but theres still an Emo kid inside me screaming to get out!!
PS I've been a FB follower for ages now :)
Jen x
Congratulations on the 700 and the (almost) 700 :D
Another fabulous giveaway that I would ADORE winning. My OH absolutely loved the budgie I got him for Christmas :P
Am indeedy already a follower on Facebook.
Tweeted with pleasure :) http://twitter.com/#!/craftywhoopidoo/status/20483577053450241
Think my favourite has to be this little punky fella or this chocolate chip cocoa one... or this little owl... Stopping now ;)
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I love your birds! especially the blue tit!
Happy New Year!
Congrats on 700 sales! That is a impressive accomplishment :3
My favorite is the white love bird with pink hearts. It's so sweet looking, I just adore it!
I'm a follower on FB :3
Congratulations! Fantastic news : )
My favourite is your 'Tweet Red and White Passionate Love Bird' as it's Valentine's Day in just 7 weeks and it would make a fantastic present for someone :@ )
Jo xx
Just tweeted about your blog at 'SweetHandmade' and am already your fan on fb : )
Best wishes x
Hiya! I have to say it's just far too difficult to choose one thing that's the best from your shop! I've browsed and pondered and keep coming back to the darling little owls: http://www.etsy.com/listing/64791903/tweet-hoot-little-white-and-brown-barn, their eyes are just so appealing.
Off to tweet etc., will be back in a bit! Elaine
OK, I've now tweeted about your giveaway (@elliestreasures) and also added your fan page to my "likes" on F/B. Fingers crossed now! Elaine x
Hi Mel - I am kinda partial to the Blue Cockatoo that hasn't hatched yet but if I had to pick another....probably one of those flamingos!!!
Hi Mel - I am partial to the Blue Cockatoo yet to be created but if I were to pick another - it would have to be a flamingo! Also, I added you to my Facebook :-)
I love all your tweets but especially the flamingoes.
Ooooh, a new giveaway!! And wow, such a generous one!! =D
My favourite tweet from your shop have to be either the toucan or the puffin bird, the two I own! Though I have to say, I absolutely love the Flamingos!!
I'm also already a fan on facebook!
I think the blue tits are super cute! Congratulations on the sales.
I'm already a fan on facebook!
And I've tweeted about it!
OK, I'm absolutely in love w/ those flamingos, but I don't see them in your shop. So today, my fav shall me this little guy:
Love the color combo! I swear, every time I look at your shop, I have a new fav :)
I tweeted about your tweets <3
I'm a Fb fan -- it's how I found out about the giveaway :) Happy new year, and congrats on 700 sales!
Congrats on the big number of Sales!... I love your owls ...and the tufted titmousse!...
Just tweet it @sybillinart
I am already a fan on facebook, so I 'like' your post about it!...
Wise Grey is definately my favourite :)
Oh and I Tweeted....
....and I'm now a fan on Facebook! Can you tell I really want a prize LOL!
Congratulations! Thats awesome!
Its really hard to pick my favourite from your shop because they're all so fab...but probably one of the owls. I'm a Brownie leader so always love owls! Wedgie xxx
I'm also a FB fan now too!
Happy New Year.
Wedgie xxx
Hi my name is Sunny.I love the little owls. They make me smile when I see them.
i can't find it in your shop, but your tufted titmouse is still me favourite. your little white and brown barn owl is a very close second!
i'm already a facebook fan =)
tweeted about it =)
WoW!! Congratulations on your 700th sale, that is superb!!! I still love your hoots. I'm off to find you on facebook :)
My favorite is this little owl!
I'm already a facebookfan :-)
I retweeted your give-away on twitter!!!
i love your toucan :D
Congratulations!!! 700 sales, 700 facebook friends...that's really exciting! I have been wanting a lil bird for a very long time and have been "window shopping" your ETSY store for awhile so it wasn't hard for me to pick one. Well ok...it actually is hard to say one is my favorite but I really love "Tweet Hoot Little White and Brown Barn Owl" as well as the "Dark Chocolate Mocha Royale Tweet Love Bird"
Again, congratulations! I'm so happy for you. And thank you for the chance to win!
Oh, I almost forgot...Great job on the flamingos! Cute!!!
And, I've been a facebook follower of yours for awhile. Thank you again!
I LOVE the punky cockatiels. They remind me of my own birds. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
justaduck at gmail.com
I'm also a fan on facebook!
justaduck at gmail.com
I just love the blue tits! You capture their cheeky nature so well :-)
I have also tweeted this (very apt!) and am a fb liker too.
Love, love, love your work!! Jenny x
I love the blue tits! You capture their cheeky nature so well! Love all of your little felties in fact :-)
I have tweeted this (excuse the pun!) for you too, and am already a fb liker.
Look fwd to seeing new tweets in 2011
Jenny x
I adore your barn owl hoot. Barn owls are so beautiful and you've captured them so well!
Will tweet the contest too! :)
And I'm already a facebook fan, sorry I meant to mention that in the other comment. :)
I never win giveaways but I never stop trying! I'm actually rather upset because my fave owl in your shop recently sold - it ws the grey and white one and I loved it!
I'm already a facebook fan! I like all your birds, they are so cute. But my favourite is your yellow and grey punky cockatiel. x
My favorites are your owls - I want them all! :)
I have twittered about your giveaway! :)
I'm a fan on facebook! :)
Congrats on your milestone! May 2011 be a successful year for you.
I'm already a facebook fan and I have tweeted @kijolo
I like every single one of your creations. I've already purchased two and will definitely increase my collection!
If I had to pick one, I currently have my eye on your 'Hoots' - particularly this one: Tweet Hoot Little White and Brown Barn Owl
Congratulations on the sales.
My favourite is this little tawny owl http://www.etsy.com/listing/55237758/tweet-hoot-little-tawny-owl-in-chestnut.
Happy New Year!
Just been and tweeted for you.
Very hard to choose :-) but this little one won me over
they are all adorable.
I love the lilac and grey tweet in your shop, so cute
this one-
Just tweeted ur competiton!!
I am a fan on facebook!
omg I've always loved the tiels you do and the punky cockatoo! I have cockateils at home and a galah lol I'l face book and follow in a moment
Tweet Hoot White and Brown Barn Owl is super awesome and the Monochrome black and white pair are so lovely,not to mention I am in love with the hatchlings and the cute eggs! What lovely treasures!
facebook fan as rachel carter crisman
You deserves those 700 sales! My sister bought something from you in the past.I love what you do! Many happy sales ahead of you in the year to come. Keep it up no matter what,you rock!
I facebooked fanned it and twittered lol I'm WhingingNinja on Twitter and Jessica on face book
All of your little ones are sooo cute, but my fave is the Daddy and BabyTweet Needlefelted White andTurquoise Pairs Love Bird Tweets! Thank you!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
how cute. I really love the Turquoise and Black Punky Needle felted Emo Tweet With Stars
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I love the little blue tit mouse :) But all the owls are on my favorites list too!!
I am a longtime fan on facebook, and you're also on my etsy favorites! Does that count as an extra entry ;)
I had to do a retweet cos I couldn't work out how to do one of my own. such a luddite! so that's one done.
Facebook is beyond me so that's not happening.
My favourite item in your shop, that's so hard! It was the hoot I bought, then the Puffin but there aren't any that I can see. So if it's got to be in your shop right now, it's the magpie.
I love the little blue tit tweet, I have loads of blue tits coming into my garden at the moment and they are so cute.
I love everything, but I think the owls are my favourite. I can't choose excatly which one though as they are all so lovely! :) x
All of your tweets are fun, but my favorite are your owls, especially your White and Brown Barn Owl. The facial features are GREAT!
*****I am also a fan on Facebook. Wishing you another good year in 2011!
Congrats on your 700th sale! I'm already a fan on facebook and am a huge fan of your little birdies!
I am in love with the little blue tits in your shop! So cute!
Just tweeted about your giveaway! @CHCeramics
My favourite at the moment (yes it changes lol) is the cute little Zingy Green & Shocking Pink Tweet:
Love her colours & she's too cute :)
- Krystal xo
Im already a fan on your Facebook :)
Also tweeted: www.twitter.com/felixandlily
- Krystal xo
Contratulations!!! Wow! Wow! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely prizes...I can only dream it's me! :)
Lots of lovely birdies at your shop!! My favourite one is 'Tweet Needle Felted Teal Tweet'... so cute!
I'll place a little note at my 'candy bar' about this great giveaway!
Sweet greetings, Saskia :)
...Me again! I'm now a fan on facebook! :)
Saskia :)
Tweeted! @litabells
Liked on FB - Melita Blake
Oh my word I am in love!! I can't decide my favourite, but did manage to narrow it to three lol
The brown and white barn owl, the dark chocolate mocha royale love bird and the tweet needle felted black bird.
Thanks so much for the chance!
Oh my gosh. I just found you via reading a tweet about your giveaway. Your felt creatures are amazing! My fave is the brown barn owl, but I'm a bit of an owl nut collector. I'm probably going to end up like the cat lady but with owls!
Just tweeted about it too! @TheCraftRevival
My favourite is definitely the blue tit bird! So cute.
I'm also a fan on FB and I've tweeted about it (@delicious_shop) :) xo
In love with all your hoots, especially Tweet Hoot Little Tawny Owl in chestnut brown http://etsy.me/hduZuv !!!! Too cute!
A very very very VERY hard decision, but the punky blue tit is so cool! I've tweeted and FB fanned you - congrats on 700 sales, your work is SO good, I love how each little bird has a character all of it's own! x
I've always had a soft spot for the punky cockatiel because he reminds me of the Ernie bird we had as a kid who liked to eat macaroni and cheese! @Lunachique on Twitter!
I love them all but as I live in Owl Way my favourite has to be the Hoots any of them but if I had to choose it would be the Tawny Owl.
I have popped over to Facebook and liked your page :-)x
Its so hard to choose a favourite as they are so cute with faces full of character but after a long time I managed to choose this guy http://www.etsy.com/listing/64824139/tweet-hoot-white-and-brown-barn-owl
Just tweeted about this giveaway ( @angelsraven )
AM also a fan now on facebook (Kirsty Frisby).
Shall sit back & keep everything crossed :)
Tweeted the competition :-) @anybunnies
I love the pink and white birdies with the pink feet! SO STINKIN' CUTE!
Wow - it's so hard t choose - all your little birds are so gorgeous. I like this one though - love the colours
Congratulations on 700 sales - amazing, but understandable with your cute little birds.
Hope 2011 is a great one for you, Lynne
Eeeeee! I've been a fan for some time now :)
My favorite is the incredibly detailed Blue Tit birdie!
Tweeted! @thepeachtree
Facebook 'like'ed you which I'm shocked I hadn't already!
my fave item in shop right now is Tengmalm's Owl. gorgeous! but I love my little Mo even more :)
I tweeted your giveaway here! http://twitter.com/littlereddoor/status/22103085010657280
They are all so cute! My fave is the Zingy Green and Shocking Pink Needle Felted Bird Spring Time Tweet.
Liked on facebook. All your owls are gorgeous! I cant choose!
Congratulations on all your lovely birds & your sales - nice one. If I'm forced to have a fab it would be http://www.etsy.com/listing/46191313/zingy-green-and-shocking-pink-needle?ref=v1_other_1 so sweet.
Just about to RT your giveaway too.
Jules (@JuJuDollie)
My favorite thing in the store right now, I think, would have to be the flamingo (though the parakeets are close runners up and it is a hard decision anyway!).
I would have said my custom order is my favorite in the store but I don't think it counts!
I tweeted and liked on Facebook too. :D Yay for birdies!
toooo hard to pick a fav!! but i LOVE the little gray tufted titmouse!! yes, i looked thru even you sold listings, as your store left me wanting to look more :)
adding u to facebook and twitter!!
This little guy is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Tweet Hoot White and Brown Barn Owl
boswife @ gmail . com
Your little guys are a pleasure to admire. My favorites are the owls. There is something about their simplicity combined with the mystery of an owl that just makes me soo happy!
Congratulations to you for 700 sales. What a tremendous accomplishment. Going to Facebook right now to friend your shop.
All the best to you in 2011~
Christy @ MeSweet on Etsy
The cockatoo kills me ded with cuteness!
First congratulations on your 700th sale. Your birdies are totally adorable and I love them all. This one is so so cute http://www.etsy.com/listing/64824139/tweet-hoot-white-and-brown-barn. Fabulous giveaway and all the best for 2011
They are all so fabulous, but I love the Wise Grey Owl Hoot Little Owl in Dusky Greys!
Tweeted as wolffepsyche. :)
And I've liked your page on Facebook.
Thanks for the chance to win! Congratulations on 700 sales!
My daughter and I love your budgies best, but we are working on an entire collection of your birds!
Oh I like the Squawk Red And Gold Needle Felted Scarlet Macaw!
And I am a Facebook fan as Deborah Davey.
So hard to chose one as my favorite as I love them all
But this one has such a cute look http://www.etsy.com/listing/62473836/wise-grey-owl-hoot-little-owl-in-dusky
You have so so many adorably cute peeps! My fav is the "Tweet Hoot White and Brown Barn Owl"! He looks very inquisitive about something! Love your shop! Happy New Year!
I love the red and black Emo Tweet!
glycinemax at gmail dot com
I fell in love with the owls months ago! I also really love the punky tweets! <3
I tweeted and I'm already a fan!
I love the cardinal and have just tweeted to tell you so! And I'm heading off to like you on Facebook too.
Anna aka @silverleafshiny
I love the tawny owl I love the brown shades so cute!
I had a good look through and the one that leapt out at shouted 'I wann be your baby bird' is the Punk Cockatiel
I am already following you from FB:-))
http://www.etsy.com/listing/40463385/daddy-and-babytweet-needlefelted-white here is my favorite:-)))
and will tweet it right now:-)
Oooh, I love the hoots, especially the little tawny owl. SO cute!
This is my favorite http://www.etsy.com/listing/64824139/tweet-hoot-white-and-brown-barn-owl
Adorable! ;)
I'm your fb fan now! ;)
They all are wonderful so pretty hard to choose one ))) but I think this pair is absolutely mine ))) http://www.etsy.com/listing/54200210/navy-and-white-opposites-tweet
I'm your FB fan
And I've tweetted you )))
I've tweeted you!
And I'm your FB fan )
Recently I love your owls and the flamingos too :)
Congrats on 700 sales. Wow !
Wow, it's so difficult to choose just one but I love the Punky Cockatiel Real Bird Needlefelted Tweet. He's so cute!
Wow, it's so difficult to choose just one but I love the Punky Cockatiel Real Bird Needlefelted Tweet. He's so cute!
Would love to win any oc your creations bug I think the owls probably my favorites
wowweeeee!! I heart them all!! Congrats on your 700th sale, that's amazing! Shall enter on twitter and facebook now now now! Carol orangebirdstudio xxx
I still love that tufted titmouse! :) I'm already a fan on facebook too :) Haven't been checking it much though, or my blogs, so I nearly missed out! Must get back into routine!!
Wow, sooo cute! Love your little lovebird, just darling but my all time fave has to be the bluebird.
Joined your page....tick!
Lara x
Oh bless! your shop is just the cutest...I've fanned you on facebook too to keep up with you.
very, very hard to choose a fav' but if you twist my arm, it would have to be the punky cockatiel!
Although, I am very in love with the cocoa and cream wedding cake toppers too
They are all so wonderfully gorgeous but I think my fave has to be the little barn owl, I have always loved these birds ever since I was swooped by one in the dark one winter morning scaring the life out of me.
Congrats on the 700 mark, excellent achievement.
I have now liked and facebooked your blog too.
Super menażeria.
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