I am feeling generous this week, I am looking forward to my week off and moving my boyfriend into my flat and I reckon I need to declutter a bit! So I am having my first inky give away. You may have noticed I have another wee shop on etsy called
inkmeup which is edging ever closer to 100 sales.

I am offering one lucky winner a great big inky prize of
a music wrens print ,
a blank notebook of their choice plus a great big inky pile of post cards and mini prints... in a big prize haul worth over $50

How to enter
This time there are 4... yes 4 ways to enter!
To enter simply leave a comment on my blog telling me what your favorite item in my shop is or buy an item from from either shop or leave a Twitter comment mentioning this blog post with link @feltmeupdesigns
Finally become a fan of inkmeup at our face book page
here ... If you do all 4 you get 4 entries... simples!!!

The best thing about having a week off from my day job is I will be getting my fingers well and truely inky and working on new designs. Yay! I will draw the competition by the scientific and totally random way of sticking the entries in a hat and making John pick one out, with his eyes closed, probaly looking dopey... there may even be pictures ... competition closes February 24th.
my favourite at the moment is the avocet print on the lovely duck egg blue paper! :)
hope i win :D
Too hard to choose my fave.
I have bought from both shops and the items were superb
love this from inkmeup
and this little blue tit is adorable
I love the wren printed moleskins the most :)
But all the bird prints are lovely, of course :)
I really love your Where Wild Birds sing print: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=39428787 :)
My favorite item is - http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32559910
love your blog and love your birds, printed or felted :)
So hard to choose! I've hearted you shop a while back because all of your birds are fantastic. I think the little owl I saw (may have sold) is my favorite, but the blue birds are cute as well as the little yellow one.
my faves at the mo are the tweet families! <3 love em!
Joined the FB group...
AND will be tweeting @Debz_B too. ;)
I like the little wren on sepia best
(and the Moleskine notebooks)
being awkward I'm going to work backwards ;-) I'm a fan xx
my favourite is the little sepia wren http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=34625140
I sometimes spot a wren in the hedge at the back of my garden, not often, they're so shy.
and here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/NiftyKnits/status/9285497771
ooo I'm excited! I love your prints - the mousies are my favourite I think! Especially the one on the book 'Wild Strawberry Mouse' http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36057332
But it was so hard to choose, and I do love all the birds too!
I've become a fan on facebook too, keeping my fingers crossed for your giveaway :) !
I love this item
But I have a thing for sheet music anyway!
It's too hard to choose just one! You are an amazing artist. My absolute favorite is:
the little wrens are my fave - this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40580433
i love all your bird designs!!! gorgeous!
I love the 'Up here, down there' wren print. I'm also a fan of your facebook page. I also twittered about your giveaway.
It's wonderful to meet another ink artist. Would you like to be a featured artist on my blog? I just featured an artist today so you can pop by and get a feel for it. http://studiomme.blogspot.com
This is my favourite - the attention to facial details is superb - well done!
I love the handmade paper blue tit http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=38051257
we have got a pair just starting to nest again.
where the wild birds sing :)
i am also a fb follower
I love all your mousie illustrations, epecially this notebook: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35051969
The Kestrel is expecially beautiful and I adore birds of prey but I think all of your birds are wonderful works of art.
Oh what a beautiful giveaway. Am just discovering what an amazing tool Twitter is for discovering new Etsy shops like you.
Tweeted - my username is craftywhoopidoo
My favourite thing at the moment in your shop is the little wren on sheet music http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40384272 Though if you ever design a finch, canary or pigeon design please let me know - my partner keeps them and I'm always on the lookout for unusual items related to his interests.
I've happily become a fan on Facebook (Carmen Wing)and posted to my profile. I'll also post this to my blog too.
The kestrel is beautiful and I also like the wild strawberry mouse.
I love the Tweet Little Yellow Tweet Chick, appropriate and so very cute! You have so many lovely things.
Thanks for the giveaway
@Chaoskay on twitter (tweeted your comp too!)
my favourite is this wee guy:
Hello gorgeous!
My fave..is the Hawk print. Love that.
I have twittered:
I already follow you Facebook page.
I bought from your shop, though happy to buy more soon as.
I will also pimp this on my Profile page and my fanpage. Does that get me more entries??
The prints are fantastic! I really like the felted birds, especially the little devil one. He's SO cute! I tweeted about your giveaway and became a fan, and now am posting. :) Thanks and hope you get lots of sales.
I'm loving your entire bird collection, you just can't beat good monochrome work!!
Consider yourself followed :D
I really love the idea of doing ink drawing (and prints of them) on pages of old books, music scripts and maps. Its like the creature erupts from the features, and you can imagine eyes flicking over the page and a hand finding a driving urge from the creative mind, forming a being from what's beneath. It somehow gives the ink drawings an extra dimension, and a more honest feel to them.
I love your ones on the nice paper too, of course:)
It is quite difficult to pick a favourite... I really like yourr original drawing of the blue jay, and i also really like the avocet on the map -- that avocet definately has a character, i can see it like in one of those lovely animated programmes somewhat jerkily moving both itself and neck, to look through the reeds or water! I also think the 'who stole your tarts' mouse is quite good; i think its a fab book to use for a mouse!
If i absolutely had to choose one, the maybe the avocet, but it is very tight, and of course you have lots of other lovely things on there too (you had one on there a while ago with a robin on a map, i loved the red breast of the robin with the faintt red veins on the map).
Thank you for creating such lovely things! :)
Oh, and i forgot to mention the songbird wren on the music script. Fabuluos!
The music wren in lovely, wrens are my favourite birds! I've retweeted and becoming a FB fan too! Lovely stuff. Twitter @missielizzieb
I just love your cute little love Birds, they are just too adorable.
Please ignore last post i got carried away looking at your mums site & forgot it wasn't your site LOL xx
Love this book page print, awesome work! I am a new fan!!!!
Thanks for the give away and introduction to your work!
I too love the idea of printing on music sheet, however my favourite print is the Kingfisher :)
I love Little Mousie Mouse with Pink Tail. Very sweet! I also love your felty animals too - I have a sheep. I've called her Baa-bra from Scaa-bra! ;)
I love the Avocet Map Bird ... combines my two loves, birding and old maps. Yay!
I love wrens, so the mini gocco print is adorable. the original ink drawing of the bluejay is fantastic!
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
facebook fan!
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
Well my fave item would be the notebook with the mousie.. :D Which I loved so much I bought. Yay!
Good luck with moving your boyfriend in. :)
Ummm...I'm new fan too ;]
Here is my fav (Oops Inky Wrens Gocco Printed Pocket Moleskine Cahier Notebook): http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36292611
Have a nice day!
My favourite is the Song Bird Blue Tit Gocco Music Book Prints Pair - lovely :)
i love the wren music book prints!
has also tweeted! :D
wow. i just found out about you via the etsy newsletter and am off to browse your lovely shop. i've become a fan on facebook AND tweeted about this fantastic giveaway.
i just love the "Up Here Down There" print. They symmetry and pretty lines in your drawings are right down my alley. Plus, i just have a thing for birds. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33872697
I like your Blue Jay, it looks so real.
Wow, there are SO many favorites in both your shops! Here's one:
And here's another!
Sincerely, Theresa
I'm a FB fan of both pages! :) Theresa
Thanks for the opportunity - I just love the Punky Cockatiel, brilliant hairstyle!
I really like your kestrel cahier, mad about journals and it's really lovely!
I like your original blue jay. so pretty! I like the wrens on the sheet music too.
You have received a 'Sunshine Award' for creativity and positive inspiration among the blogging world. To accept the award see www.fairyfinesse.blogspot.com
My favourite is Punky Cockatiel Real Bird Needlefelted Tweet
I like its big eyes.
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40384272 I really like this music print- but the cards are beautiful too.
I love The Wild Strawberry Mouse Gocco Book Print
twitter name: kijolo
Oh, I love the Kestrel Map Print- such a great way of tying my favorite bird in with the epic travel it does!
Ooooo - definately this one is my fav:
"Up Here... Down There Original Wren Gocco Screen Print"
Lovely stuff!
I am lovin the Blue tit Map Bird Gocco Print at the moment:)
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