Well looky here! If you look to the right you will see another link aded to my sites section, what could it be? That there my friend is the brand new feltmeup designs etsy shop for creatures , The Felt Menagerie, as i like to call it.
You see, the thing is, I was having so much fun making creatures that they have started to take over my studio and i can't move anymore than an inch from the computer with out falling over them!!! So i just had to open a new shop to clear out the clutter!!!
I really love making creatures, it's very new and exciting at the moment. The bunny at the top of this post is my latest original creation. If you want to see how he was made visit my flickr account for a mini step by step guide. He was great fun to make although the process does look a little painful! (for him... not for me!)
Also, I have been experimenting with needle felting and made this little penguin chap you see below. Good fun... made while sat in bed listening to radio 4 on a Saturday night!!! I'm such a party animal!

Oh wow! I really like the PENGUINO!
Best of luck to you and your new etsy shop!
If only real bunnies looked like that..
oh my goodness how cute is your stuff, just found a link to your blog from KMC's blog, I LOVE this rabbit!
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